Fri Apr 19 2024 11:16:38 EDT
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112 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
187861 JDT Core frederic_fusier RESO DUPL Some searches hung 2007-05-21
221769 JDT Core frederic_fusier RESO DUPL [index] Out of memory error from indexer 2008-03-10
186496 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox RESO DUPL Code compiles in Eclipse but not with Sun JDK 2007-05-11
190391 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox RESO DUPL ECJ: Constructors can initialize other instance's final fields instead of their own 2007-06-01
177819 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc VERI FIXE Jar files added to a plugin are ignored 2007-04-27
179684 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc VERI FIXE "Reconcile editor change" perf test is getting slower 2007-04-27
179690 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc VERI DUPL "DOM AST tree for workspace file" perf test is getting slower 2007-04-27
145329 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc VERI FIXE [scaling] Unable to locate source in monster workspace 2007-06-26
161175 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc VERI FIXE JarPackageFragmentRoot slow to initialize 2007-04-27
146556 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann VERI FIXE Should refactor boolean fields into bits 2007-04-27
177174 JDT Core david_audel VERI FIXE [assist] Wrong names are proposed as unresolved local variable 2007-04-27
179000 JDT Core david_audel VERI FIXE [code assist] run() should not be a valid proposal inside the scrapbook page 2007-04-27
179672 JDT Core david_audel VERI FIXE [assist] Only one assertion method should be called by completion parser test 2007-04-27
180683 JDT Core david_audel VERI FIXE codeSelect does not work in unicode names like \u0042 2007-04-27
174920 JDT Core eric_jodet VERI FIXE [model] closing a single project causes all variables and containers to be saved 2007-06-06
146577 JDT Core frederic_fusier VERI WORK [scaling] Initialize Java Tooling is slow when using a big workspace 2007-04-27
162104 JDT Core frederic_fusier VERI FIXE NPE in PackageExplorerContentProvider.getPackageFragmentRoots() 2007-06-21
178499 JDT Core frederic_fusier VERI FIXE [perfs] JDT/Core model performances tests must be improved 2007-04-27
178551 JDT Core frederic_fusier VERI FIXE [index] Deadlock when doing Type Hierarchy while updating a large workspace 2007-05-19
179011 JDT Core frederic_fusier VERI FIXE IType#getMethod(..) should not throw AFE when name contains dot 2007-04-27
179199 JDT Core frederic_fusier VERI FIXE [search] Open type throws NPE during Items filtering 2007-04-27
181459 JDT Core frederic_fusier VERI DUPL [open type] "Open Type" dialog maxes the CPU while searching 2007-04-27
181475 JDT Core frederic_fusier VERI DUPL [index] Type name search hangs when reading certain index file chunks 2007-04-27
181727 JDT Core frederic_fusier VERI FIXE [perfs] JDT/Core performances tests last too long on slowest releng test boxes 2007-04-27
182372 JDT Core frederic_fusier VERI DUPL [search] NPE when typing in 'Open Type' popup 2007-04-27
183062 JDT Core frederic_fusier VERI FIXE [search] OutOfMemoryError during rename refactoring 2008-05-20
182899 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox VERI DUPL high CPU time for JarPackageFragmentRoot when building type hierarchy 2007-04-27
61510 JDT Core jdt-text-inbox VERI DUPL Code Formatter must not format temp comments 2007-04-27
85096 JDT Core jdt-text-inbox VERI DUPL Source->Toggle Comment and Source->{Format/Indent} poorly integrated 2007-04-27
144776 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc VERI FIXE JavaProject.resetCaches() needs to reset dependent projects 2007-04-27
176320 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc VERI FIXE Non linear progress in open type dialog 2007-04-27
178039 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc VERI FIXE Separate advanced verbose for container and variable initialization from regular verbose 2007-04-27
178213 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc VERI FIXE Compilation Unit not shown in Package Explorer after a rename 2007-04-27
178847 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc VERI FIXE [search] Potential matches found when searching references to IJavaElement#getResource() 2007-04-27
179258 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc VERI FIXE simple reconcile starts problem finder - main thread waiting 2007-04-27
179529 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc VERI FIXE Stop Eclipse takes a lot of time in case of big workspace 2007-04-27
179699 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc VERI FIXE type.newTypeHierarchy doesn't cancel 2007-04-27
180169 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc VERI FIXE Add protection against missbehaving container (returning null entries) 2007-04-27
180713 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc VERI FIXE Anonymous type rendered as number in hover 2007-06-21
180769 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc VERI FIXE Fatal error in log for java tests N20070403-0010 2007-04-27
181393 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc VERI FIXE DefaultASTVisitor doesn't override all methods 2007-04-27
181900 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc VERI DUPL close / open a single project takes a lot of time 2007-04-27
182204 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc VERI FIXE Deleting a JRE referenced by container does not result in unbound container problem 2007-04-27
182338 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc VERI DUPL Something has changed on org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.DefaultCommentMapper 2007-04-27
182930 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc VERI FIXE JavaModelCache's size grows when displaying type hierarchy 2007-05-03
183413 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc VERI FIXE PDE can't find the source for plug-ins in the target 2007-04-27
183833 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc VERI FIXE NPE in latest build 2007-04-30
183942 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc VERI DUPL NPE in JavaProjectElementInfo 2007-04-27
185353 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc VERI FIXE Closing projects is very slow 2007-06-27
166449 JDT Core kent_johnson VERI FIXE Don't abort build when CompilationParticipants fix classpath 2007-04-27
180109 JDT Core kent_johnson VERI FIXE [compiler] JDT Throws ClassCastException on incremental build 2007-04-27
181269 JDT Core kent_johnson VERI FIXE Deleting secondary type is not detected 2007-04-27
183508 JDT Core kent_johnson VERI DUPL Could not retrieve declared methods 2007-04-27
184293 JDT Core kent_johnson VERI FIXE Unnecessary inherited method errors reported against subtypes 2007-05-03
141504 JDT Core martinae VERI DUPL [quick fix] Change access to static using declaring class is a no-op 2007-04-27
165783 JDT Core martinae VERI FIXE [ast rewrite] Import declaration static property can not be set correctly 2007-04-28
126712 JDT Core maxime_daniel VERI INVA [compiler] IllegalAccessException on attempt to access an accessible member via reflection 2007-05-03
162370 JDT Core maxime_daniel VERI FIXE MethodVerifier#areReturnTypesEqual is a misnomer 2007-04-27
174445 JDT Core maxime_daniel VERI FIXE [1.5][compiler] missing unchecked conversion warning upon parametrized method 2007-04-27
174833 JDT Core maxime_daniel VERI INVA Changed Jars on Java Build Path Libraries tab are not recognized fully 2007-04-27
174927 JDT Core maxime_daniel VERI WORK [build] incremental build of jdt.ui each time I start up 2007-04-27
176472 JDT Core maxime_daniel VERI FIXE [compiler][null] extraneous error in case of a labeled while(true) statement 2007-04-27
177863 JDT Core maxime_daniel VERI FIXE [compiler][null] Spurious null pointer warning in finally block (involving def. unknown) 2007-04-27
178895 JDT Core maxime_daniel VERI FIXE [compiler][null] A for-each loop changes its value on each iterator but the null pointer analysis is not taking that into consideration 2007-04-27
179159 JDT Core maxime_daniel VERI INVA Incorrect flagging of potential null pointer access 2007-04-27
179334 JDT Core maxime_daniel VERI WORK Receive internal compiler error in task list 2007-04-27
180789 JDT Core maxime_daniel VERI FIXE [1.5][compiler] invalid incompatible return type error 2007-04-27
3184 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann VERI WORK Unreachable goto for try combinations (1FUST9E) 2007-04-27
20793 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann VERI FIXE [formatter] The code formatter indent left aligned comments 2007-04-27
49314 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann VERI FIXE comments formatted even if "Enable comment formatting" is disabled 2007-04-27
79068 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann VERI FIXE [formatter] Need option to control line wrapping before/after operators 2016-01-14
110303 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann VERI DUPL Formatter touches //-comments, even not enabled. 2007-04-27
115210 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann VERI DUPL [formatter] Wrapping of operators not how I like it(!) 2007-04-27
172324 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann VERI DUPL Formatter formats block comments when comment formatting is disabled 2007-04-27
178861 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann VERI FIXE Executing run() in a scrapbook page leads to a NPE 2007-04-27
179042 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann VERI FIXE [DOM] Implementation of IBinding.getModifiers() should return Modifier.NONE when no modifiers are available 2007-04-27
179056 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann VERI FIXE [compiler] Compiler gives misleading Range for invisible field 2007-04-27
179065 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann VERI FIXE [DOM] Test coverage for IMemberValuePairBinding methods must be improved 2007-04-27
179630 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann VERI FIXE Compiler parsing tests fail with IBM J2SE 1.4.2, 5.0, and 6.0 (early access) 2007-04-27
180046 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann VERI FIXE patch to antadapter eclipse.inf 2007-04-27
180524 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann VERI FIXE NPE in ITypeBinding#createArrayType(..) on anonymous type 2007-04-27
180905 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann VERI FIXE Tweaks to recovered bindings 2007-04-27
180958 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann VERI INVA Add Support for indented braces 2007-05-03
181270 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann VERI FIXE [1.5][compiler] Class literal of array of type parameter should be rejected 2007-05-11
181349 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann VERI FIXE ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException while editing Java code 2007-04-27
182154 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann VERI FIXE Java search gives no results on workspace with multiple projects 2007-04-27
182485 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann VERI FIXE Missing translation files in JDT plug-ins 2007-04-27
182786 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann VERI INVA Wrong MethodDeclaration in AST tree 2007-05-03
183196 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann VERI FIXE jdt.compiler.tool does not have a translation key for its name 2007-04-27
183395 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann VERI FIXE Fup of bug 144858, internal error is thrown for wrong exception type in catch clause 2007-04-27
183468 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann VERI FIXE NPE trying to call isDefault() on the MemberValuePairBinding corresponding to array=1 2007-04-27
183502 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann VERI INVA newcompilationUnit.imports().add(importdeclaration) not Working 2007-05-03
183538 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann VERI FIXE Not getting @Inherited annotation on annotation types from binary 2007-04-27
183682 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann VERI DUPL [1.6][compiler] Invalid stackmap generated for "anewarray" bytecode 2007-04-27
184102 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann VERI FIXE [1.6][compiler] Inconsistent stackmap frame generated for static initializer of enums containing overridden methods 2007-04-27
184485 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann VERI INVA Enum formatting broken? 2015-09-03
184957 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann VERI FIXE [1.5][compiler] Compiler crash 2007-05-07
60370 JDT Core philippe_mulet VERI DUPL [compiler] Showing error for unused parameter of a protected method. 2007-05-03
67068 JDT Core philippe_mulet VERI DUPL [compiler] Empty blocks and unused parameters in abstract classes 2007-05-03
118217 JDT Core philippe_mulet VERI FIXE Compiler error/warning option 'Parameter is never read' produces a lot of false-positives 2008-11-10
151787 JDT Core philippe_mulet VERI FIXE [compiler] compiler allows assignment to final field in constructor other than through 'this' 2007-06-01
156731 JDT Core philippe_mulet VERI FIXE [compiler] Improve compiler fault-tolerance 2007-05-03
166963 JDT Core philippe_mulet VERI FIXE [compiler] resolve binding for local variable in ConstructorInvocation 2007-04-27
169728 JDT Core philippe_mulet VERI FIXE [1.5][compiler] WildcardBinding.boundCheck coding error 2007-04-27
175409 JDT Core philippe_mulet VERI FIXE method reference contains generic method binding 2007-04-28
179477 JDT Core philippe_mulet VERI FIXE [compiler] problem in first element of array initializer suppresses further problems 2007-04-27
180471 JDT Core philippe_mulet VERI FIXE [compiler] Unoptimal code generation for for-loops when no continuation point 2007-04-27
182192 JDT Core philippe_mulet VERI WONT [1.5] [compiler] loss of generic type information in inner class 2007-04-27
183216 JDT Core philippe_mulet VERI FIXE [1.5][compiler] Cannot refer to a generic member type using a non static subclass of the enclosing type 2007-04-27
158985 JDT Core david_audel CLOS FIXE Code completion engine hints annotations on wrong places 2008-05-28
180082 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox CLOS WONT API breakage: IClassFile.getType no longer throws JavaModelException 2007-03-29
48476 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox CLOS DUPL [formatter] Code formatter should have option for aligning operators when wrap 2016-01-14
112 bugs found.
