#!/bin/bash #JAVA_HOME=/Users/test/Java/zulu16-aarch64/zulu-16.jdk/Contents/Home if [ x$JAVA_HOME = x ]; then echo "JAVA_HOME should point to Java Home of ARM64 VM. Please set it in the script or export JAVA_HOME before running the script" exit fi if [ x$1 = x ]; then eclipseLoc="/Applications/Eclipse.app" else eclipseLoc=$1 fi wsLoc=$HOME/myTestWS if [ x$2 = x ]; then ARCH=arm64 else ARCH=$2 fi echo "JAVA_HOME is $JAVA_HOME" echo "Eclipse location is $eclipseLoc" echo "Eclipse Workspace is $wsLoc" echo "architecture is $ARCH" pluginPath=`ls "$eclipseLoc/Contents/Eclipse/plugins/"org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_*.jar` echo "launcher plugin path is $pluginPath" $JAVA_HOME/bin/java -XstartOnFirstThread -Declipse.pde.launch=true --add-modules=ALL-SYSTEM -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -classpath "$pluginPath" org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main -launcher "$eclipseLoc/Contents/MacOS/eclipse" -name Eclipse -showsplash 600 -product org.eclipse.sdk.ide -data $wsLoc -dev -os macosx -ws cocoa -arch $ARCH -nl en_GB -consoleLog