package org.eclipse.swt.widgets; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import org.eclipse.swt.custom.CTabItem; import; import; public class SWTWorkarounds { /*************************** COMMON *****************************/ public static Rectangle getBounds (Object object) { Rectangle result = new Rectangle (0, 0, 0, 0); try { Method method = object.getClass().getDeclaredMethod ("getBounds", null); method.setAccessible(true); result = (Rectangle) method.invoke (object, null); } catch (Throwable th) { // TODO - decide what should happen when the method is unavailable } return result; } public static Rectangle getBounds(MenuItem menuItem) { Rectangle itemRect = getBounds ((Object)menuItem); Rectangle menuRect = getBounds (menuItem.getParent ()); if ((menuItem.getParent ().getStyle() & SWT.RIGHT_TO_LEFT) != 0) { itemRect.x = menuRect.x + menuRect.width - itemRect.width - itemRect.x; } else { itemRect.x += menuRect.x; } // itemRect.y += menuRect.y; return itemRect; } public static Rectangle getBounds (Menu menu) { return getBounds ((Object)menu); } public static Rectangle getBounds (ScrollBar scrollBar) { Point size = scrollBar.getSize (); Rectangle bounds = scrollBar.getParent().getBounds(); if ((scrollBar.getParent ().getStyle() & SWT.RIGHT_TO_LEFT) != 0) { bounds.x = 0; bounds.width = size.x; } else { bounds.x = bounds.width - size.x; } bounds.y = bounds.height - size.y; // TODO - coordinate system may change when the API is added to SWT return scrollBar.getDisplay().map (scrollBar.getParent (), null, bounds); } /*************************** WIN32 *****************************/ static int SendMessage (int hWnd, int Msg, int wParam, int [] lParam) { int result = 0; try { Class clazz = Class.forName ("org.eclipse.swt.internal.win32.OS"); Class [] params = new Class [] { Integer.TYPE, Integer.TYPE, Integer.TYPE, lParam.getClass (), }; Method method = clazz.getMethod ("SendMessage", params); Object [] args = new Object [] { new Integer (hWnd), new Integer (Msg), new Integer (wParam), lParam, }; result = ((Integer) method.invoke (clazz, args)).intValue (); } catch (Throwable e) { // TODO - decide what should happen when the method is unavailable } return result; } static Rectangle win32_getBounds(TabItem tabItem) { TabFolder parent = tabItem.getParent(); int index = parent.indexOf (tabItem); if (index == -1) return new Rectangle (0, 0, 0, 0); int [] rect = new int [4]; SendMessage (parent.handle, /*TCM_GETITEMRECT*/ 0x130a, index, rect); int width = rect [2] - rect[0]; int height = rect [3] - rect [1]; Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle (rect [0], rect [1], width, height); return tabItem.getDisplay().map (tabItem.getParent (), null, bounds); } static Rectangle win32_getBounds(TableColumn tableColumn) { Table parent = tableColumn.getParent (); int index = parent.indexOf (tableColumn); if (index == -1) return new Rectangle (0, 0, 0, 0); int hwndHeader = SendMessage (parent.handle, /*LVM_GETHEADER*/ 0x101f, 0, new int [0]); int [] rect = new int [4]; SendMessage (hwndHeader, /*HDM_GETITEMRECT*/ 0x1200 + 7, index, rect); int width = rect [2] - rect[0]; int height = rect [3] - rect [1]; Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle (rect [0], rect [1], width, height); // TODO - oordinate system may change when the API is added to SWT return tableColumn.getDisplay().map (parent, null, bounds); } /*************************** GTK *****************************/ static void gtk_getBounds (int handle, Rectangle bounds) { try { Class clazz = Class.forName ("org.eclipse.swt.internal.gtk.OS"); Class [] params = new Class [] {Integer.TYPE}; Object [] args = new Object [] {new Integer (handle)}; Method method = clazz.getMethod ("GTK_WIDGET_X", params); bounds.x = ((Integer) method.invoke (clazz, args)).intValue (); method = clazz.getMethod ("GTK_WIDGET_Y", params); bounds.y = ((Integer) method.invoke (clazz, args)).intValue (); method = clazz.getMethod ("GTK_WIDGET_WIDTH", params); bounds.width = ((Integer) method.invoke (clazz, args)).intValue (); method = clazz.getMethod ("GTK_WIDGET_HEIGHT", params); bounds.height = ((Integer) method.invoke (clazz, args)).intValue (); } catch (Throwable e) { // TODO - decide what should happen when the method is unavailable } } static Rectangle gtk_getBounds(TableColumn tabColumn) { Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle (0, 0, 0, 0); try { Class c = tabColumn.getClass(); Field f = c.getDeclaredField("buttonHandle"); f.setAccessible(true); int handle = f.getInt(tabColumn); gtk_getBounds(handle, bounds); } catch (Throwable e) { // TODO - decide what should happen when the method is unavailable } return tabColumn.getDisplay().map (tabColumn.getParent (), null, bounds); } static Rectangle gtk_getBounds(TabItem tabItem) { Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle (0, 0, 0, 0); try { Class c = Class.forName ("org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget"); Field f = c.getDeclaredField("handle"); f.setAccessible(true); int handle = f.getInt(tabItem); gtk_getBounds(handle, bounds); } catch (Throwable e) { // TODO - decide what should happen when the method is unavailable } return tabItem.getDisplay().map (tabItem.getParent (), null, bounds); } /*************************** MOTIF *****************************/ static Rectangle motif_getBounds(TabItem tabItem) { Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle (0, 0, 0, 0); try { Class c = tabItem.getClass(); Method m = c.getDeclaredMethod("getBounds", null); m.setAccessible(true); bounds = (Rectangle)m.invoke(tabItem, null); int margin = 2; bounds.x +=margin;bounds.y+=margin; bounds.width -= 2*margin; bounds.height-=margin; } catch (Throwable e) { // TODO - decide what should happen when the method is unavailable } return tabItem.getDisplay().map (tabItem.getParent (), null, bounds); } static Rectangle motif_getBounds(TableColumn tableColumn) { Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle (0, 0, 0, 0); try { Class c = tableColumn.getClass(); Method m = c.getDeclaredMethod("getX", null); m.setAccessible(true); bounds.x = ((Integer)m.invoke(tableColumn, null)).intValue(); bounds.width = tableColumn.getWidth() - 2; bounds.height = tableColumn.getParent().getHeaderHeight() - 2; } catch (Throwable e) { // TODO - decide what should happen when the method is unavailable } return tableColumn.getDisplay().map (tableColumn.getParent (), null, bounds); } /*************************** CARBON *****************************/ static Rectangle carbon_getBounds(TabItem tabItem) { return null; } static Rectangle carbon_getBounds(TableColumn tableColumn) { return null; } public static Rectangle getBounds (TabItem tabItem){ if (SWT.getPlatform().equals("win32")) { return win32_getBounds (tabItem); } if (SWT.getPlatform().equals("gtk")) { return gtk_getBounds (tabItem); } if (SWT.getPlatform().equals("motif")) { return motif_getBounds (tabItem); } if (SWT.getPlatform().equals("carbon")) { return carbon_getBounds (tabItem); } return null; } public static Rectangle getBounds (TableColumn tableColumn) { if (SWT.getPlatform().equals("win32")) { return win32_getBounds (tableColumn); } if (SWT.getPlatform().equals("gtk")) { return gtk_getBounds (tableColumn); } if (SWT.getPlatform().equals("motif")) { return motif_getBounds (tableColumn); } if (SWT.getPlatform().equals("carbon")) { return carbon_getBounds (tableColumn); } return null; } public static Rectangle getBounds (TableItem item) { return item.getDisplay().map (item.getParent (), null, item.getBounds (0)); } public static Rectangle getBounds (TreeItem item) { return item.getDisplay().map (item.getParent (), null, item.getBounds ()); } public static Rectangle getBounds (CTabItem item) { return item.getDisplay().map (item.getParent (), null, item.getBounds ()); } public static Rectangle getBounds (ToolItem item) { return item.getDisplay().map (item.getParent (), null, item.getBounds ()); } public static Rectangle getBounds (CoolItem item) { return item.getDisplay().map (item.getParent (), null, item.getBounds ()); } }