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filefline File namefline Device fulline Unknown device File not found Protected file File in useile File not opene Data formatene Line too longe WBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBUSER USER WBWB DND.PASDNDRTCRType 'L' for list of optionsDND>CreateFind experience for levelKill off a characterReally kill !!!ZAP!!!Character not killed.Print all charactersQuitRun a characterVisit the storeRead notice file Huh? Type 'L' for helpUSER DNDALT.PASDNDALTRYou have found a Holy AltarDo you wish to simply (W)orship, (C)ontribute gold, (I)gnore it, or (D)esecrate it? or (I)gnore it? WorshipA voice booms: 'Your parsimony displeases us, pagan!'A gentle voice says: 'Your piety pleases us'AmenContributeYou have no gold, Sire!How much of your gold do you wish to contribute? You don't have that much!How dare you insult us, you dirty Pagan Trash!Thank you for your contributionIgnoreDirty Pagan Trash!DesecrateYou do vile and unspeakable things to the altar.Nothing happens here. (Hope that made you feel better.)A Voice booms out: 'I shall be avenged!'The sound of thunder shatters the air.The altar crumbles to dust before your eyes.Something seems to be left behind.Type a letterYou just gained lost experience points.You've been heard! DNDCRE.PASDNDCRERPress to run this character, to try again'Q' to quitSTR INT WIS CON DEX CHARead the directions!!!That name is already in use. Please choose another.The dungeons currently open are:C The CavernL LamorteS Shvenk's LairT TelengardW The WarrenWhich dungeon would you prefer, Sire? The Cavern.Lamorte.Shvenk's Lair.Telengard.The Warren.Sire, please select C, L, S, T, or WGood luck, Sire.That name is already in use DNDDGN.PASDNDDGNRA Djinn appears and mutters a spell at you!Your strengthintelligencewisdomconstitutiondexteritycharisma can't go up any more. Sorry, Sire. just went up by can't go down any more. Be grateful. just went down by You suffered hit point of damageYour life has been terminated!Move>WestEastNorthSouthStay hereQuitDo you really want to quit, Sire? Saving your position, Master.Cast a spellYou don't have a magic wand, Sire!That's not a good direction, Sire! NoYou made it out of the dungeon!Press to reenter the dungeon or to leave. You cretin! I can't imagine how you did it but youhave actually managed to destroy your immortality.The last sound you hear will be the ghosts of all theadventurers who have died in the dungeon, voicing theiropinions of your intelligence.You died,but, since you are an ORB finder and immortal, you arereincarnated, although only a shadow of your former self.You died. DNDDOS.PASDNDDOSR DNDFIL.PASDNDFILRPLAYERS.DAT NAMETYPELVLGOLDEXPERDUNGEONFGTRCLRCMAGETelengard Shvenk's Lair Lamorte The Warren The Cavern InsideOrb finders are: DNDFNT.PASDNDFNTRYou have discovered a fountain with whitegreenblueredyellowblackcrystal clearshimmering water.Press to take a drink, to walk on by You just gained lost experience pointsYour strengthintelligencewisdomconstitutiondexteritycharisma can't go up any more. Sorry, Sire. just went up by can't go down any more. Be grateful. just went down by It tastes good! You regain hit pointPoison! Gurgle.. .. .. .A strange feeling of power surges through you...Your thirst is quenched DNDFRN.PASDNDFRNRYou have discovered a staircase leading down.There's a chain across itDo you wish to go (D)own or (S)tay on the same level? DownStayYou have discovered a staircase leading up.Do you wish to go (U)p or (S)tay on the same level? UpStayYou have discovered a spiral staircase.Do you wish to go (U)p, (D)own, or (S)tay on the same level? DownThere's a chain across it!UpStayYou have discovered the EXCELSIOR transporter.Curiously, the controls just went dead!Unfortunately, the controls seem frozen!What level do you want to go to ( to stay here)? That level does not exist, Sire. Please try again.You need gold for that trip.It cost gold to make that trip.The transporter malfunctioned. You are hovering over a pitYou are on the brink of a pit.You fell into a pit! It's bottomless!!! IIIEEEEEE!!!!!.... ..It's bottomless, watch out!Press to climb down or to walk around. You made itYou slipped down the side! You have discovered the ORB!Press to pick it up, or to leave it alone You missed your chance at immortality, Chucko.You have discovered a mirror.Press to look into it, or to avoid it.You see a scruffy-looking face staring wildly back at you.It cracked into hundreds of pieces! You're REALLY in trouble now!A laughing leprechaun throws a hatful of gold at you!You're scared out of year's growth!You looked into it!My! You're ugly!It shattered into thousands of bits!You feel heavy for a moment, but the sensation passes.You have discovered an elusive image of unknown origin.Upon closer inspection it dissolves before your eyes. DNDGDN.PASDNDGDNRGrunt! Ugh! Oof! Unh! TELENARD.BINTelengard SHVENK.BINShvenk's Lair LAMORTE.BINLamorte WARREN.BINThe Warren CAVERN.BINThe Cavern Cr k! DNDHLP.PASDNDHLPRUser-Supported SoftwareIf you use and find this program of value,your $25 contribution will be appreciated.R O Software2800 Cross BendPlano, TX 75023You are encouraged to copy this program as described below.Users of this program are granted a limited license tomake copies of this program for use by others on a privatenon-commercial basis. This limited license does not include:1. Distributing this program in connection with any other product.2. Making the program available for any consideration or 'copy fee'.3. Distributing the program in modified form.Copyright (C) 1984, 1986 R O SoftwareType any key to continue W=North 7=Evade 8=North 9=Up -=CastA=West S=Stay D=East 4=West 5=Stay 6=East X=South 1=Fight 2=South 3=Down 0=Help .= +=H=This HelpC=Cast a spellQ=Quit your adventureP=Pray to the nameless GodK=Kill yourself?=Redraw the screenList optionsOptions are:C Create a characterF Find experience needed for a levelH Go to help lessonK Kill off a characterL List optionsN Re-read the notice fileP Print all charactersQ ExitR Run a characterS Visit the storeBulletin board:NOTICE.DATType any key to continueWelcome to DNDFor those who would'st tread within,know ye well the best of your kin,for fearsome battles have they fought,to win a place among this lot.Help is available on:I IntroductionD Dragons and fell beastsM Magic spellsC Clerical spellsU Using the keypadQ Quit HelpYour choice sire? IntroductionINTRO.DOCDragons and fell beastsMONSTER.DOCMagic spellsMAGIC.DOCClerical spellsCLERIC.DOCUsing the keypadKEYPAD.DOCQuit HelpType any key to continue or Q to quit DNDINI.PASDNDINIRName [Fighter]Cleric]Magician]Dungeon LevelExp GoldHit PtsSpellsWandSTRINTWISCONDEXCHAResuming your expedition, Sire.Please wait while the dungeon door is forced open. DNDMAP.PASDNDMAPR0TELENARD.LSHVENK.LLAMORTE.LWARREN.LCAVERN.LDNDMAP.TXTLEVEL IIIIII---II...I DNDMGC.PASDNDMGCRLevel x1 to 4 to cast, to quit.x - AbortedYou have no level spells.Level spell # x - AbortedProtection from EvilLightCure Light WoundsTurn UndeadGET YE HENCE, Vile Creature!!!The D feels insulted at being called undead ignores your outburst. runs in terror!You are already undead.Do you want to turn dead?Detect TrapsSilencePrayHold Monster"Puny human".I see no monster here.Cure Serious WoundsDispell UndeadVANISH FOREVER, Vile Creature!!!The D feels insulted at being called undead scorns your words. vanishes into thin air.You get experience points.You dispelled a 3rd level spell.Continual LightPlagueThe just had its penicillin shot!Oh no! You caught it too!You plague yourself by wasting spells.Holy WordThe vampire stares and laughs evilly, "You have much to learn of death."The is annihilated by the sheer power of the Word.You get experience points.It has no effect.The very air about you seems to shiver with power, but not much else happens.You died!!But St. Peter won't let you in.Finger of DeathDie, !! ZZAAAPPPP!!!!The dodged your magical attack.You had your finger in your nose and blew your brains out!Blade BarrierThe dodges back nimbly.Whirling, flashing, swords make hash of the The moves out of the way.You watch as flashing swords hack the air to pieces.Heal*POOF*! You're cured!!There! That nasty Heal spell won't bother you again! DNDMGH.PASDNDMGHR LEVEL SPELLS1. *Magic Missile2. *Charm Monster3. Shield4. *Sleep5. Protection from Evil6. Light1. *Phantasmal Forces2. *Web3. *Lightning Bolt4. Strength5. Levitate6. Invisibility1. *Fireball2. *Confusion3. Pass Wall4. *Hold Monster5. Fear6. Continual (Bright) Light1. Teleport2. *Power Word KILL3. *Prismatic Wall4. Time stop5. *Pillar of Fire6. *Summon Demon1. Protection from Evil2. Light3. Cure Light Wounds4. *Turn Undead1. Detect Traps2. Silence3. Pray4. *Hold Monster1. Cure Serious Wounds2. *Dispell Undead3. Continual Light4. *Plague1. *Holy Word2. *Finger of Death3. *Blade Barrier4. Heal * - Combat spells DNDMGK.PASDNDMGKRHThat wall is solid rock!Direction? SouthWestEastNorthStay hereBad direction, knave.Level x1 to 4 to cast, to quit.x - AbortedYou have no level spells.Level spell # ~ - AbortedMagic MissileWhhhiiiizzzzz! Bang!!!!CharmYou can't charm a It isn't charmed.Narcissistic type huh?Magic ShieldSleepYou can't sleep a You failed.Good night...Very refreshing!Protect from EvilLightPhantasmal ForcesThe takes no notice of your illusion.The thinks it is fighting a It attacks anyway and the illusion vanishes.It runs away, screaming!You get experience points.However, it is fooled for but an instant.There is a level poltergeist here!Cast WebThe vampire turns gaseous and you miss.He dodges your web.Practicing to deceive?Lightning Bolt! ZZZZOT!StrengthLevitateInvisiblityFireballNo self-immolation on the premises!ConfusionThe can no longer think coherently.It has no effect.Boy are you confused!Pass WallHold Monster"Puny human."I see no monster here.FearContinual LightTeleportPower Word KILLThe vampire stares and laughs evilly, "You have much to learn of death."It has no effect.You died!!But St. Peter won't let you in.Prismatic WallThe jumps back, but not fast enough.Very pretty, isn't it?Time StopPillar of FireWith a flash and a roar, the is transfixed by towering flames.Roaring flames erupt about the , but it manages to jump out in an instant.You were maybe expecting God?Summon DemonA Fiend appears in a flash of smoke.It grabs the , saying "Uncle Satan wants YOU!"With a shriek of demonic laughter, they vanish.Sure enough, a Demon appears. The is horrified, and runs away, with the Demon in close pursuit.You get experience points.A Demon appears in a puff of smoke. He shrugs, grabs you, and transportsboth of you to Hell. DNDMLE.PASDNDMLERYou did points to the It died. You get experience points.It breaks free!!!Do you wish to (C)ast, (F)ight, or (E)vade? FightYou missed due to your weakened conditionYou inflict no damage.CastYou don't have a magic wand, Sire!Evade You can't get away!You have encountered a It's helpless.It missed due to its weakened conditionYou block the blow.Your armor protects you.It did hit points to you.It looks just like you! But you see through its trick.You're confused...The Harpie charms you with her voice... But you resist her death song.You're hopelessly in love. DNDMNS.PASDNDMNSRYou have encountered a Dragon in its lair! @ DNDSHO.PASDNDSHOR \ / \ / EXC PIT TPT FNT ALT DGN ORB MIR ELV THR TRV GNI * X # $ IIIIII---II...I UNF +WandMagic weaponMagic armor Magic shieldMagic ring Elven boots Elven cloak LGHTPROTSHLDPRAYDTRPSLNCLEVTSTRGFEARINVSTMST DNDSTO.PASDNDSTORI'm sorry, Sire, but you cannot afford it.That will cost gold pieces, Sire.Do you really want it? YesNo.Armor is 5000 gold pieces per plus.Armor plus what, Sire? You already have Armor +, Sire!Your Armor + gives you gold pieces worth of credit, Sire.We have books that have been brought back from all levels of the dungeons.We don't know what they do, however.They are 3000 gold pieces per level, Sire. Would you like to buy one? YesWhat level book would you like to sample, Sire? We only have books from down to the twentieth level, Sire.THAT level of book is available at the comic book rack, Sire.No.We have Magic Elven boots, Sire.They are 7000 gold pieces per plus. Are you interested, Sire? YesBoots plus what, Sire? You already have boots +, Sire!Your boots + gives you gold pieces worth of credit, Sire.No.Magic Elven cloaks are all we have in stock at the moment, Sire.They are 5000 gold pieces per plus. Are you interested, Sire? YesCloak plus what, Sire? You already have a Cloak +, Sire!Your Cloak + gives you gold pieces worth of credit, Sire.No.We have magic Rings of Regeneration, Sire.They are 10000 gold pieces per plus. Are you interested, Sire? YesRing plus what, Sire? You already have a Ring +, Sire!Your Ring + gives you gold pieces worth of credit, Sire.No.Departments:A ArmorB BooksC ClothingF FootwearJ JewelryM MapsS ShieldsT TransportationW WeaponryCommands:L List departmentsQ Leave the storeMaps are available for each of the dungeons, at50 thousand gold pieces per level. A map of Level 10of Telengard, for example, costs 500 thousand gold pieces.Are you still interested, Sire? YesWhat dungeon are you interested in, Sire? The Cavern.Lamorte.Telengard.Shvenk's Lair.The Warren.Please choose C, L, T, S, or W, Sire.What level, Sire? The dungeon levels are from one down to twenty, SireAll we sell are Magic Shields, Sire.They are 8000 gold pieces per plus. Are you interested, Sire? YesShield plus what, Sire? You already have a Shield +, Sire!Your Shield + gives you gold pieces worth of credit, Sire.No.But Sire, you are already at TelengardShvenk's LairLamorteThe WarrenThe CavernVery well, Sire.The price of transportation toanother dungeon is goldSorry Sire, you haven't enough.Dungeons currently accessable are:C The CavernL LamorteS Shvenk's LairT TelengardW The WarrenN nowhereYour destination Sire? The CavernLamorteShvenk's LairTelengardThe WarrennowhereNo.SwordMaceDaggerWe only sell the finest of magic weapons, Sire.They are 7500 gold pieces per plus. Are you interested, Sire? YesThe Laws of the Earth decree that we may sell only s to FighterClericMagicians, Sire. plus what, Sire? You already have a +, Sire!Your + gives you gold pieces worth of credit, Sire.No.Sorry Sire, but you may only visitthe store between expeditions.You, obviously, have little to spend.Come back when you do.Welcome to Ye Olde Curiositie Shoppe.Prices are subject to change without notice.You have gold pieces.Your wish sire? ArmorBooksClothingFootwearJewelryList departmentsMapsLeave the storeShieldsTransportationWeaponryType L for a list or Q to leave DNDTHR.PASDNDTHRRBefore you is a magnificient throne covered with jewels and mysterious runes.Do you wish to (P)ry out some jewels, (S)it on it, (R)ead the runes, or totally (I)gnore it? PryThey won't come off.A few of them pop off into your greedy hands. They are worth gold.Sit downA loud gong sounds!Nothing happens...ReadYou don't understand them!The letters blur before your eyes.You feel giddy as power surges in you.You seem to have changed.IgnoreThe Dwarven King returns.... DNDTPT.PASDNDTPTRZAP! You have been teleported. DNDTRS.PASDNDTRSRan elven cloak +elven boots +a ring of regeneration +a magic shield +a magic daggermacesword +magic leatherchainplate armor +a pile of silvera pile of golda pile of platinuma pile of gemsa chesta jewela booka magic torcha magic wandan interesting, but worthless trinket~You have discovered You detect a trap. Press to open itput them onput it onread itpick it up or to ignore it. Hzzz;You managed to defuse the trap. It's worth gold.The chest explodes! You managed to defuse the trap. The chest contains You managed to defuse the trap. You already have It starts burning...It turns to smoke in your hand.It's worthless.It's got spells stored in it!There's something behind it ...Blob generated DNDTRV.PASDNDTRVRBlue Red Green Orange That's not a legal color. Type B, R, G, or O.You see a small door with four colored lights in a rowThey are blue, red, green, and orangePress to try a combination, to avoid itPress two colors: An electric shock jolts your body!You got it! gold worth in gems and jewels pour out! DNDTTY.PASDNDTTYR DNDUTL.PASDNDUTLRDummy, type either a or (or . for ) . . .@LYou went up a level!You gain hit points.You went down a level!You lose hit points.What character class, Sire?(C)leric, (F)ighter or (M)agician ? ClericFighterMagicianPlease type "M", "C" or "F" Sire, you must give a non-blank nameSire, I will instead call you Is this acceptable? Sire, do not use strange characters or leading blanksTry typing it again: What is your name, Sire? What is your secret name, Sire? What level, Sire? You should be so lucky!That will require experience points, Sire.level KoboldGoblinOrcDwarfHarpieTrollBugbearDopplegangerGhoulMinotaurOgreGiantVampireBalrogDragonCorpseThat character does not exist.Are you sure you want to do this? NoYes. DNDUTT.PASDNDUTTRUtter a prayer:"Oh, Great Ghod! Get me the F___ out!"The altar shimmers and blurs before your eyes.There is no reply, but something glittering appears atop the altar.An irritated voice booms, "F___ off, you little twerp!"A voice thunders, "Hey! You're not one of my worshippers!"Well I can always try. But it will cost you."Let me die!Are you sure, Sire? Have you really thought it over? It's not all that bad...I guessGood bye cruel world!!ARGGGGG.G...G..... BITUTL.PASBITUTLRI DMATH.PASDMATHCR DADD OVERFLOW DADD OVERFLOWDMULT OVERFLOWDDIV DIVIDE BY ZERO erre.pas ERREQQ 0? Error: Error Code, Status Line In Of PC =:, FP =, SP =No CASE Value Matches SelectorUnsigned Divide By ZeroSigned Divide By ZeroREAL Divide By ZeroUnsigned Math OverflowSigned Math OverflowREAL Math OverflowSIN or COS Argument RangeEXP Argument RangeSQRT of Negative ArgumentLN of Non-Positive ArgumentTRUNC/ROUND Argument RangeTangent Argument Too SmallArcsin or Arccos of REAL > 1.0Negative REAL To REAL PowerString Too Long in COPYSTR'Lstring Too Long in Intrinsic ProcedureSet Element Greater Than 255Stack OverflowNo Room in HeapHeap Is InvalidHeap Allocator InterruptedUnit Version Number Mismatch Illegal PcodeUnsigned Value Out of RangeSigned Value Out of RangeNIL Pointer ReferenceUninitialized PointerInvalid Pointer RangePointer To Disposed VarLong DISPOSE Sizes UnequalSet Element Out of Range filf.pas FILFQQ : ordf.pas ORDFQQ F<F<~~~~~~~~ foobar.pas TNSR 0 ׳]׳] c5~P$L~zII;8|Yt&wz^Pc|u~r1!Z?|An!0} x~y 1P+z ~uw]E"~@d&X4#]I lstl.pas LSTLQQ cnvr.pas CNVR strf.pas STRFQQ heah.pas HEAHQQ codc.pas CODCQQ FALSETRUE 1 TRUE 0 FALSECODCQQ pasuxm.pas PASUQQ PAS00000.$$$ tidgs.pas TIDGQQ filuxm.pas FILUQQ  USERLINE  misym.pas MISYQQ miso.pas MISOQQ mishm.pas MISHQQ utlr.pas UTLR OfKw+fQs #zL} H@ >OfKw+fQs #zL} H@ >OfKw+fQs #zL} H@ >OfKw+fQs #zL} H@ >OfKw+fQs #zL} H@ > utlx.pas UTLXQQ