IP Log for rt.riena


  • Eclipse Public License v1.0

Third-Party Code

Pre-Req Dependencies

CQThird-Party CodeLicenseUse
1955hessian Version: 3.1.3Apache Software License 1.1unmodified source & binary
2161NanoHTTPD (no fi.iki.elonen namespace) Version: 1.1 (PB CQ1624)New BSD license with "no endorsement" clauseunmodified source & binary
2392Easymock Version: 2.3 (PB CQ1887)MIT licenseunmodified source & binary
2452jakarta-oro Version: 2.0.8 (PB CQ232)Apache Software License 1.1unmodified source & binary
2453commons validator Version: 1.3.1Apache License, 2.0unmodified source & binary
2588Apache Jakarta Commons BeanUtils Version: 1.7 (PB CQ1387) (does not include dependent libs) (using Orbit CQ1905)Apache License, 2.0unmodified source & binary
2956ASM Version: 3.0 (PB CQ1954)New BSD licenseunmodified binary
3599easymock Version: 2.4 (PB CQ2551)MIT licenseunmodified source & binary
3441velocity-1.5.jar Version: 1.5 (using Orbit CQ1977)Apache License, 2.0unmodified binary
3600log4j 1 .2.13 Version: 1.2.13 (PB CQ2168)Apache License, 2.0unmodified source & binary
3601Junit Version: 3.8.2 (PB CQ2206)Common Public License 1.0unmodified source & binary
3676Hessian Version: 3.2.0Apache License, 2.0unmodified source & binary
3719JDom Version: 1.0 (top level source code only) (using Orbit CQ1587)JDom License (based on Apache 1.1 Style License)
3720commons-collections-3.2.jar Version: 3.2 (PB CQ1421) (using Orbit CQ1909)Apache License, 2.0unmodified source & binary
3721Apache Commons Lang Version: 2.1 (using Orbit CQ1595)Apache License, 2.0
3829Trident Version: 1.2.0 (Subset) (PB CQ3626)New BSD licenseunmodified source & binary
3921junit Version: 4.8.1 (ATO CQ3677) (using Orbit CQ367 8)Common Public License 1.0unmodified source & binary
3922hamcrest - all Version: 1.1 (ATO CQ2860) (using Orbit CQ2907)New BSD licenseunmodified source & binary
3936Apache Hivemind Subset (Two Classes) Version 1.1Apache License, 2.0
4630EasyMock Version: 3.0 SubsetApache License, 2.0unmodified source & binary
5198Apache Commons Lang Version: 2.4 (PB Orbit CQ2735)Apache License, 2.0unmodified binary
5205Apache Log4J Version: 1.2.8 (PB Orbit CQ2167)Apache License, 2.0

Exempt Pre-Req and Works With Dependencies

No Exempt Pre-Req or Works With dependencies


Past and Present Active
Name Organization  
Erich Achilles compeople AG
Sabine Achilles compeople AG
Heiko Barth compeople AG
Christian Campo compeople AG
Jordan Dukadinov compeople AG
Ekkehard Gentz
Steffen Kriese compeople AG
Stefan Liebig compeople AG
Thorsten Schenkel compeople AG
Frank Schepp compeople AG
Elias Volanakis Innoopract GmbH
Alexander Ziegler compeople AG

Never Active
Name Organization  
Juergen Becker compeople AG
Carsten Drossel compeople AG
Uwe Teutscher compeople AG

Contributors and Their Contributions

Ref Size Description
Aleksey Aristov (weiglewilczek.com)
281853 3441 bytes riena.testing patch
riena.testing patch
281855 13164 bytes rienaid patch
rienaid patch
284012 86426 bytes Remote Service Wizard
complete project
284410 53177 bytes Riena CS example as three standalone projects
284564 7106 bytes get rid of buddy classloading for service interfaces
Artur Schmidt (compeople.de)
288041 1487 bytes UIProcess should handle exception in runJob
Patch to forward exceptions to the exception handler manager
Florian Pirchner (gmail.com)
272569 167063 bytes Custom ITraverseRidget
The new patch
272984 36598 bytes Custom Link and BrowserRidget
fragment with new copyrights
283929 17731 bytes Contribution FontDescriptor for riena lnf
The contribution patch
Hans Wacker (compeople.de)
357461 909 bytes DatePickerComposite does not show validation messages
Patch for Riena
Heiko Barth (compeople.de)
337521 13248 bytes AbstractSimpleNavigationNodeProvider should provide a way to build nodes asynchronous
Patch for async-buildNode(..)
Holger Hoch (compeople.de)
254705 15146 bytes controller/view definition should be possible within navigationNode definition, not only subModule definition
changes to navigation nodes and providers
254893 84827 bytes extension point "org.eclipse.riena.navigation.subModule" should be removed
configuration w/o org.eclipse.riena.navigation.subModule (incl. examples)
255335 157120 bytes refactor viewbuilders, viewproviders and node builders
patch implmenting the proposed changes (incl. examples)
255486 55070 bytes WorkareaManager registries should be contributed via services
implementation of the described functionality
255765 7294 bytes Should provide ability to use different extension point for navigation and workarea definition
make extension point configurable
255782 11903 bytes IModuleNodeExtension.getCloseable() wrong behaviour
applies changes from description
255942 19046 bytes Lables defined in navigation assemblies should have access to current node and navigation argument via variables
implementation of proposed enhancement
256077 1080 bytes submodule element in extension point "org.eclipse.riena.navigation.assemblies" should restrict view definition to existing view id
adds <meta.attribute kind="identifier" basedOn="org.eclipse.ui.views/view/@id"/> to submodule/@view definition
256255 52744 bytes Means to find navigation assembler for specific target required
adds and uses INavigationAssembler>acceptsToBuildNode
256438 51408 bytes Riena examples should not use explictit reference to SwtViewProvider
cleanup SwtViewProvider (methods and usage)
256750 10024 bytes Extension point 'org.eclipse.riena.navigation.assemblies' should respect subapplications
missing changes from patch 1
257165 42648 bytes navigation context objects should be accessible via key (-> change context model from object to map)
implements proposed changes
257191 978 bytes InterfaceBeanHandler should provide a means to access the configuration element
patch implementing proposed behavior
257359 38382 bytes should be able to reference assemblies contributed elsewhere
implementation of assemblyref, foreach and instanceId
257541 11463 bytes Method IModuleNode>>isCloseable should be renamed - the english word is 'closable'
renames (hopefully) all occurences of closeable => closable
257909 3682 bytes org.eclipse.riena.navigation.assembly.exsd needs cleanup
schema cleanup
258321 1006 bytes Why do Views have to be shared Views ?
shared view fix
259478 969 bytes creating executable extensions not possible via element definitions when using extension interfaces
patch for InterfaceBeanHandler
310754 3399 bytes MasterDetails trows NPE if apply button not available
patch for o.e.r.u.r.s.AbstractMasterDetailsRidget
317937 2306 bytes Comment on IComboRidget#bindToModel is wrong
#bindToModel comments corrected
335827 46238 bytes Annotations for Action/Selection/Focus events
Annotations for action and selection listeners
Jordan Dukadinov (compeople.de)
294024 11858 bytes BasicMarkerSupport - Marker decorations are not cleared when ridget is rebound
fix + test
299753 22819 bytes Open menu does not close after clicking again
301682 2072 bytes TableRidget#setColumnWidths: document standard limitations reg. layout managers
374184 1338 bytes Missing error marker when combining ValidCharacters and MinLength validations
374930 2022 bytes Maximize/Restore button on dialog affects the application window instead of the dialog
J?rgen Becker (compeople.de)
325346 15140 bytes Riena UIProcesses not working when running with RAP
Updated Patch for Riena HEAD
326645 11317 bytes Riena on RAP: ModuleView needs double click to activate SubModule
Fixes the double click bug in the navigation tree (workspace patch)
326747 958 bytes UIProcess.finalUpdateUI() is not called after the process finishes
Riena UI Core ProgressProviderBridge Patch
328120 3590 bytes DateTextRidget not working with RAP
Patch for org.eclipse.riena.ui.ridgets.swt fixes DateTextRidget to work with RAP
359065 2109 bytes UIProcessRidget does not remove ContextUpdateListener properly
Patch for memory leak in UIProcessRidget
359066 826 bytes ProgressProviderBridge does not clean up the "jobToVisualizer" Map
Fix for memory leak in ProgressProviderBridge
Nataliya Sinkevych (compeople.de)
281474 69437 bytes Riena Sample Enhancement
Riena Demo patch
281992 5305 bytes update of the submodule's title
Patch for updating the title in the submodule
282158 21704 bytes updateAllRidgetsFromModel() throws BindingException while updating some ridgetsridgets
Patch for updateAllRidgetsFromTheModel()
282534 34710 bytes addSelectionListener(...) for table, list, tree and tree table
the updated tests
282878 12708 bytes Missing SelectionListener on ISingleChoiceRidget
Patch: addSelectionListener in MultipleCoice and SingleChoice ridgets
Ralf Ebert (ralfebert.de)
285982 1226 bytes NPE when navigation is empty
patch: window title is only set when navigation node label != null
288181 4655 bytes NavigationArgument javadocs
patch: javadoc improved for navigationargument
Ralf Stuckert (compeople.de)
312093 3572 bytes Sonar: a UI client for the Ping API
Patch for the SonarController in case no IPingable is found
Sabine Achilles (compeople.de)
273031 10645 bytes Make UIControlsFactory compatible with the use of SWT Designer 7.0
Changes in the UIControlsFactory to work with SWT Designer 7.0
274494 2218 bytes Add missing Methods for Tree and Table to UIControlsFactory
Added Tree and Table to the UIControlsFactory
275623 3626 bytes The Parameter "caption" in the UIControlsFactory should be renamed to "text"
Renaming "caption" to "text"
278828 8950 bytes Invalid Icon after adding/removing SubModuleNodes
289458 7351 bytes Validators added to a Ridget does not always works correctly
Patch with tests
Stefan Flick (compeople.de)
242708 8949 bytes enhance PresentationProviderService
The patch file
243173 33406 bytes add navigation history and related stuff
Patch file with code enhancements
243324 15876 bytes refactoring navigation node creation API, introduce NavigationArgument, overrule extension point parameter NavigationNodePresentation parentPresentationId at runtime
patch file with enhancements
243554 57216 bytes Refactor navigation namings and extension points
patch with changes
243714 14360 bytes add navigation history to example menu and toolbar
patch file
244282 7586 bytes renaming internal API respecting the new extension point types
patch file
244575 4578 bytes add possibility to navigate to a specific node
the patch file
244714 2439 bytes add accessor methods to INavigationNodeId
patch file
245119 16706 bytes add possibility to navigate asynchronous
replacement for the first patch attachment
256733 64895 bytes New Project with common UI classes and interfaces
patch with the structure changes
267590 4100 bytes NavigationProcessor.fireForwardHistoryEvent() fires backwards data
latest cumulated changes
270603 4514 bytes Riena extension points must respect translatable attributes.
translateable attribute for assembly extension point
273801 10553 bytes NavigationNode enhancement for NavigationArgument
patch file with the enhancement
Steffen Kriese (compeople.de)
282294 4011 bytes UIProcess: Unwanted ProcessDialog after switching to another subapp
Patch for UIProcessRidget
282295 6936 bytes UIProcess: remaining processes in Statusline after finishing
Fixes NPE in NavigationListener and cleans statusbar if context gets disposed in updateUI or finalUpdateUI
282864 7849 bytes Create ListRidget as simplification of TableRidget
simplified bindToModel-Method + TestCase
283501 1437 bytes Additional hooks in SubModuleView for creating the PartControl
Additional hooks in SubModuleView (createWorkarea, afterBasicCreatePartControl)
283835 4631 bytes Not all items in a Combobox are shown, if one item is null
Added improved Patch + Testcase
284101 13321 bytes Activate first child in SubModule automatically
throws RuntimeException if node with selectable = false without children gets selected
284436 10958 bytes Navigate to a node and requestFocus on a specific ridget
Patch to request focus on navigate
284547 6292 bytes CompositeTableRidget: bindToModel method with listHolder throws NullpointerException
Fix for the NullPointerException + TestCase
286214 4503 bytes DialogView can not be edited with SWT-Designer
Modifications for LoginDialog so SWT-Designer can parse it
286629 34459 bytes Disable/Enable LabelRidget when its corresponding TextRidget enabled-State changes
Implementation + TestCase + Update for Riena ExampleClient
288354 22453 bytes Add a DatePicker to the DateTextWidget
Patch + Snippet + Example
289196 6433 bytes DateText should not show an ErrorMarker if no value was entered
Patch + TestCase
289359 6697 bytes MasterDetailComposite: BindingProperty Controls don't get registered
Patch + TestCase + Update for SWT-ExampleClient
289367 968 bytes MasterDetailsRidget should throw a IllegalStateException if no IMasterDetailsDelegate was supplied
289477 17230 bytes Add Support for CCombo
Patch + Sample for the SWT Example Client
289652 1043 bytes Navigation: Module with non-selectable SubModule cannot be closed (exception)
292501 2998 bytes Not Selectable SubModuleNode has side effects
Patch for the SWT- Exampleclient to show the Bug
292992 45871 bytes Improve Javadoc in UI and Navigation
Patch with improved Javadoc
299097 1648 bytes Detect the Primary-Interface for a Ridget
Patch adding the getPrimaryRidgetInterface-Method to the SwtControlRidgetMapper
303306 136921 bytes Riena Toolbox Contribution
306802 92465 bytes Support Assembly2-Extensionpoint in Riena-Toolbox
Patch for the AssemblyEditor
307160 3546 bytes Use Assembly2-Extensionpoint in Riena Hello World Wizard
Patch for the Hello World Wizard
310103 10965 bytes Wizard does not work, when deployed as jar
310271 153646 bytes Update AssemblyEditor to conform to API changes (Riena Toolbox)
New Patch for the AssemblyEditor
Stephan Mann (compeople.de)
323002 41371 bytes StatusMeterWidget
Patch including the new widget and the examples
323463 1876 bytes StatusMeter doesn't change color after binding
Fix for color setting problem
328330 2073 bytes Utility method to join a collection of strings
Patch for StringUtils
Yang Meyer (compeople.de)
261187 12614 bytes OT tests - fix typos; add some explanatory method comments; consistently use English failure messages
Fixes typos, adds method comments to ObjectTransactionVariousSimpleTest
261986 2491 bytes OTImpl - slight refactoring of isRegistered(..)
the patch described in the description
261991 8531 bytes OTImpl - refactoring of commitToObjects()
as described
297795 3961 bytes DatePicker: stays visible when ridget is not visible
Adds resetPropertyChangeEvents() calls to the end of problematic tests; also cleans up egregious assertEquals(true, ...)
298871 2563 bytes Snippet: TextRidget with mandatory marker (user input required)
Snippet demonstrating mandatory and error markers on a text ridget
298966 3694 bytes New Snippet: Binding a SingleChoiceRidget's selection to a model
Binding a SingleChoiceRidget's selection to a model
299055 6807 bytes Snippets showing how to bind selection of TableRidget and ComboRidget
Updated SnippetTableRidgetBindingSelection
299133 1323 bytes Snippet correction: SnippetTableRidget003
Patch for SnippetTableRidget003
299904 7556 bytes [Usability] Scrolling sub-modules vertically by clicking arrow buttons for a period of time
Implements continuous scrolling for navigation
300390 2357 bytes DateTextRidgetTest.testSetFormatWithStringBean() fails
Fixes bug and adds explanatory javadoc comments
300478 5827 bytes Failures in [Tree]TableRidgetTest: rounding errors
Fixes the test bugs.
300658 15568 bytes Typos in Injection classes: Javadoc and error messages
Fixes typos


The information contained in this log was generated by using commit information from the following repositories:
