// see PR 1G5G82G if (token == TokenNameLBRACE && inClassOrInterfaceHeader) { inClassOrInterfaceHeader = false; if (options.newLineBeforeOpeningBraceMode) { newLine(1); currentLineIndentationLevel = indentationLevel; pendingNewLines = 0; pendingSpace = false; } } // START OF BUG CORRECTION PROPSOL if ((token == TokenNameLBRACE) && (previousCompilableToken == TokenNamestatic)) { if (options.newLineBeforeOpeningBraceMode) { newLine(1); currentLineIndentationLevel = indentationLevel; pendingNewLines = 0; pendingSpace = false; } } // END OF BUG CORRECTION PROPSOL // Add pending new lines to the formatted source string. // Note: pending new lines are not added if the current token // is a single line comment or whitespace. // if the comment is between parenthesis, there is no blank line preservation // (if it's a one-line comment, a blank line is added after it). if (((pendingNewLines > 0 && (!isComment(token))) || (newLinesInWhitespace > 0 && (openParenthesisCount <= 1 && isComment(token)))