------------------------------ throws IOException (does not work correctly) 14:10:27 =========================================================================================== 14:10:27 Build kind = AUTOBUILD 14:10:27 Project=AspectJIncrementalCompileErrors, kind of build requested=Incremental AspectJ compilation 14:10:27 Timer event: 0ms: Flush included source file cache 14:10:27 Timer event: 1ms: Check delta 14:10:27 File: D:\ws\donna_rtc\AspectJIncrementalCompileErrors\src\example\OtherPlainJava.java has changed. 14:10:27 build: Examined delta - 1 changed, 0 added, and 0 deleted source files in required project AspectJIncrementalCompileErrors 14:10:27 Timer event: 0ms: Looking for and marking configuration changes in AspectJIncrementalCompileErrors 14:10:27 Configuration changes found: true 14:10:27 Timer event: 0ms: Look for source/resource changes 14:10:27 Setting list of classpath elements with modified contents: 14:10:27 [] 14:10:27 Timer event: 12ms: Pre compile 14:10:27 Sending the following configuration changes to the compiler: [] 14:10:27 1 source file changes since last build 14:10:27 Compiler configuration for project AspectJIncrementalCompileErrors has been read by compiler. Resetting. 14:10:27 Configuration was [] 14:10:27 Resetting list of modified source files. Was [D:\ws\donna_rtc\AspectJIncrementalCompileErrors\src\example\OtherPlainJava.java] 14:10:27 Preparing for build: planning to be an incremental build 14:10:27 Starting incremental compilation loop 1 of possibly 5 14:10:27 Timer event: 44ms: Time to first compiled message 14:10:27 AspectJ reports build successful, build was: INCREMENTAL 14:10:27 AJDE Callback: finish. Was full build: false 14:10:27 Timer event: 44ms: Total time spent in AJDE 14:10:27 Timer event: 0ms: Refresh after build 14:10:27 Types affected during build = 1 14:10:27 Timer event: 8ms: Delete markers: AspectJIncrementalCompileErrors (Finished deleting markers for AspectJIncrementalCompileErrors) 14:10:27 Timer event: 1ms: Create markers: AspectJIncrementalCompileErrors (Finished creating markers for AspectJIncrementalCompileErrors) 14:10:27 Created 2 markers in 4 files 14:10:27 Timer event: 116ms: Total time spent in AJBuilder.build() 14:10:27 Timer event: 77ms: Update visualizer, xref, advice listeners for (separate thread): AspectJIncrementalCompileErrors ------------------------ Removing "publicFoo()" method (works correctly) 14:11:22 =========================================================================================== 14:11:22 Build kind = AUTOBUILD 14:11:22 Project=AspectJIncrementalCompileErrors, kind of build requested=Incremental AspectJ compilation 14:11:22 Timer event: 0ms: Flush included source file cache 14:11:22 Timer event: 1ms: Check delta 14:11:22 File: D:\ws\donna_rtc\AspectJIncrementalCompileErrors\src\example\OtherPlainJava.java has changed. 14:11:22 build: Examined delta - 1 changed, 0 added, and 0 deleted source files in required project AspectJIncrementalCompileErrors 14:11:22 Timer event: 0ms: Looking for and marking configuration changes in AspectJIncrementalCompileErrors 14:11:22 Configuration changes found: true 14:11:22 Timer event: 0ms: Look for source/resource changes 14:11:22 Setting list of classpath elements with modified contents: 14:11:22 [] 14:11:22 Timer event: 12ms: Pre compile 14:11:22 Sending the following configuration changes to the compiler: [] 14:11:22 1 source file changes since last build 14:11:22 Compiler configuration for project AspectJIncrementalCompileErrors has been read by compiler. Resetting. 14:11:22 Configuration was [] 14:11:22 Resetting list of modified source files. Was [D:\ws\donna_rtc\AspectJIncrementalCompileErrors\src\example\OtherPlainJava.java] 14:11:22 Preparing for build: planning to be an incremental build 14:11:22 Starting incremental compilation loop 1 of possibly 5 14:11:22 Timer event: 34ms: Time to first compiled message 14:11:22 Examining whether any other files now need compilation based on just compiling: '{D:\ws\donna_rtc\AspectJIncrementalCompileErrors\src\example\OtherPlainJava.java}' 14:11:22 Need to recompile 'PlainJava.java' 14:11:22 Starting incremental compilation loop 2 of possibly 5 14:11:22 AspectJ reports build successful, build was: INCREMENTAL 14:11:22 AJDE Callback: finish. Was full build: false 14:11:22 Timer event: 72ms: Total time spent in AJDE 14:11:22 Timer event: 0ms: Refresh after build 14:11:22 Types affected during build = 2 14:11:22 Timer event: 0ms: Delete markers: AspectJIncrementalCompileErrors (Finished deleting markers for AspectJIncrementalCompileErrors) 14:11:22 Timer event: 0ms: Create markers: AspectJIncrementalCompileErrors (Finished creating markers for AspectJIncrementalCompileErrors) 14:11:22 Created 0 markers in 2 files 14:11:22 Timer event: 98ms: Total time spent in AJBuilder.build() 14:11:23 Timer event: 83ms: Update visualizer, xref, advice listeners for (separate thread): AspectJIncrementalCompileErrors