/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2004 IBM Corporation and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/cpl-v10.html * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.draw2d.parts; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Color; import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.GC; import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Image; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display; import org.eclipse.draw2d.Figure; import org.eclipse.draw2d.Graphics; import org.eclipse.draw2d.IFigure; import org.eclipse.draw2d.SWTGraphics; import org.eclipse.draw2d.ScaledGraphics; import org.eclipse.draw2d.UpdateListener; import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Dimension; import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Rectangle; /** * A Thumbnail is a Figure that displays an image of its source Figure at a * smaller size. The Thumbnail will maintain the aspect ratio of the source * Figure. * * @author Eric Bordeau */ public class Thumbnail extends Figure implements UpdateListener { private IFigure sourceFigure; private boolean isDirty; private float scaleX; private float scaleY; Dimension targetSize = new Dimension(0, 0); private Image thumbnailImage; private Dimension thumbnailImageSize; private ThumbnailUpdater updater = new ThumbnailUpdater(); /** * This updates the Thumbnail by breaking the thumbnail {@link Image} into * several tiles and updating each tile individually. */ class ThumbnailUpdater implements Runnable { protected int MAX_BUFFER_SIZE = 256; private boolean isRunning = false; private boolean isActive = true; private int hTiles, vTiles; private Dimension tileSize; private GC thumbnailGC; private ScaledGraphics thumbnailGraphics; private int currentHTile, currentVTile; /** * Stops the updater and disposes of any resources. */ public void deactivate() { setActive(false); stop(); if (thumbnailImage != null) { thumbnailImage.dispose(); thumbnailImage = null; thumbnailImageSize = null; } } /** * Returns the current horizontal tile index. * @return current horizontal tile index. */ protected int getCurrentHTile() { return currentHTile; } /** * Returns the current vertical tile index. * @return current vertical tile index. */ protected int getCurrentVTile() { return currentVTile; } /** * Returns true if this ThumbnailUpdater is active. An inactive * updater has disposed of its {@link Image}. The updater may be active and * not currently running. * @return true if this ThumbnailUpdater is active */ public boolean isActive() { return isActive; } /** * Returns true if this is currently running and updating at * least one tile on the thumbnail {@link Image}. * @return true if this is currently running */ public boolean isRunning() { return isRunning; } /** * Resets the number of vertical and horizontal tiles, as well as the tile * size and current tile index. */ public void resetTileValues() { hTiles = (int)Math.ceil((float)sourceFigure.getSize().width / (float)MAX_BUFFER_SIZE); vTiles = (int)Math.ceil((float)sourceFigure.getSize().height / (float)MAX_BUFFER_SIZE); tileSize = new Dimension((int)Math.ceil((float)sourceFigure.getSize().width / (float)hTiles), (int)Math.ceil((float)sourceFigure.getSize().height / (float)vTiles)); currentHTile = 0; currentVTile = 0; } /** * Restarts the updater. */ public void restart() { stop(); start(); } /** * Updates the current tile on the Thumbnail. An area of the source Figure * is painted to an {@link Image}. That Image is then drawn on the * Thumbnail. Scaling of the source Image is done inside * {@link GC#drawImage(Image, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int)} since * the source and target sizes are different. The current tile indexes are * incremented and if more updating is necesary, this {@link Runnable} is * called again in a {@link Display#timerExec(int, Runnable)}. If no more * updating is required, {@link #stop()} is called. */ public void run() { if (!isActive() || !isRunning()) return; int v = getCurrentVTile(); int sy1 = v * tileSize.height; int sy2 = Math.min((v + 1) * tileSize.height, sourceFigure.getSize().height); int h = getCurrentHTile(); int sx1 = h * tileSize.width; int sx2 = Math.min((h + 1) * tileSize.width, sourceFigure.getSize().width); org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Point p = sourceFigure.getBounds().getLocation(); Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(sx1 + p.x, sy1 + p.y, sx2 - sx1, sy2 - sy1); thumbnailGraphics.pushState(); // TODO 79542 // ADD THIS LINE: thumbnailGraphics.translate(p.negate()); thumbnailGraphics.setClip(rect); thumbnailGraphics.fillRectangle(rect); sourceFigure.paint(thumbnailGraphics); thumbnailGraphics.popState(); repaint(); if (getCurrentHTile() < (hTiles - 1)) setCurrentHTile(getCurrentHTile() + 1); else { setCurrentHTile(0); if (getCurrentVTile() < (vTiles - 1)) setCurrentVTile(getCurrentVTile() + 1); else setCurrentVTile(0); } if (getCurrentHTile() != 0 || getCurrentVTile() != 0) Display.getCurrent().asyncExec(this); else if (isDirty()) { setDirty(false); Display.getCurrent().asyncExec(this); } else stop(); } /** * Sets the active flag. * @param value The active value */ public void setActive(boolean value) { isActive = value; } /** * Sets the current horizontal tile index. * @param count current horizontal tile index */ protected void setCurrentHTile(int count) { currentHTile = count; } /** * Sets the current vertical tile index. * @param count current vertical tile index */ protected void setCurrentVTile(int count) { currentVTile = count; } /** * Starts this updater. This method initializes all the necessary resources * and puts this {@link Runnable} on the asynch queue. If this updater is * not active or is already running, this method just returns. */ public void start() { if (!isActive() || isRunning() || targetSize.isEmpty()) return; isRunning = true; setDirty(false); resetTileValues(); if (!targetSize.equals(thumbnailImageSize)) { if (thumbnailImage != null) thumbnailImage.dispose(); thumbnailImage = new Image(Display.getDefault(), targetSize.width, targetSize.height); thumbnailImageSize = new Dimension(targetSize); } thumbnailGC = new GC(thumbnailImage); thumbnailGraphics = new ScaledGraphics(new SWTGraphics(thumbnailGC)); thumbnailGraphics.scale(getScaleX()); // TODO 79542 // DELETE THIS LINE: //thumbnailGraphics.translate(sourceFigure.getBounds().getLocation().negate()); Color color = sourceFigure.getForegroundColor(); if (color != null) thumbnailGraphics.setForegroundColor(color); color = sourceFigure.getBackgroundColor(); if (color != null) thumbnailGraphics.setBackgroundColor(color); thumbnailGraphics.setFont(sourceFigure.getFont()); setScales(targetSize.width / (float)sourceFigure.getSize().width, targetSize.height / (float)sourceFigure.getSize().height); Display.getCurrent().asyncExec(this); } /** * Stops this updater. Also disposes of resources (except the thumbnail * image which is still needed for painting). */ public void stop() { isRunning = false; if (thumbnailGC != null) { thumbnailGC.dispose(); thumbnailGC = null; } if (thumbnailGraphics != null) { thumbnailGraphics.dispose(); thumbnailGraphics = null; } // Don't dispose of the thumbnail image since it is needed to paint the // figure when the source is not dirty (i.e. showing/hiding the dock). } } /** * Creates a new Thumbnail. The source Figure must be set separately if you * use this constructor. */ public Thumbnail() { super(); } /** * Creates a new Thumbnail with the given IFigure as its source figure. * @param fig The source figure */ public Thumbnail(IFigure fig) { this(); setSource(fig); } private Dimension adjustToAspectRatio(Dimension size, boolean adjustToMaxDimension) { Dimension sourceSize = sourceFigure.getSize(); Dimension borderSize = new Dimension(getInsets().getWidth(), getInsets().getHeight()); size.expand(borderSize.getNegated()); int width, height; if (adjustToMaxDimension) { width = Math.max(size.width, (int)(size.height * sourceSize.width / (float)sourceSize.height + 0.5)); height = Math.max(size.height, (int)(size.width * sourceSize.height / (float)sourceSize.width + 0.5)); } else { width = Math.min(size.width, (int)(size.height * sourceSize.width / (float)sourceSize.height + 0.5)); height = Math.min(size.height, (int)(size.width * sourceSize.height / (float)sourceSize.width + 0.5)); } size.width = width; size.height = height; return size.expand(borderSize); } /** * Deactivates this Thumbnail. */ public void deactivate() { sourceFigure.getUpdateManager().removeUpdateListener(this); updater.deactivate(); } /** * Returns the preferred size of this Thumbnail. The preferred size will be * calculated in a way that maintains the source Figure's aspect ratio. * * @param wHint The width hint * @param hHint The height hint * @return The preferred size */ public Dimension getPreferredSize(int wHint, int hHint) { if (prefSize == null) return adjustToAspectRatio(getBounds().getSize(), false); Dimension preferredSize = adjustToAspectRatio(prefSize.getCopy(), true); if (maxSize == null) return preferredSize; Dimension maximumSize = adjustToAspectRatio(maxSize.getCopy(), true); if (preferredSize.contains(maximumSize)) return maximumSize; else return preferredSize; } /** * Returns the scale factor on the X-axis. * @return X scale */ protected float getScaleX() { return scaleX; } /** * Returns the scale factor on the Y-axis. * @return Y scale */ protected float getScaleY() { return scaleY; } /** * Returns the source figure. * @return the source figure */ protected IFigure getSource() { return sourceFigure; } /** * Returns the scaled Image of the source Figure. If the Image needs to be * updated, the ThumbnailUpdater will notified. * * @return The thumbnail image */ protected Image getThumbnailImage() { Dimension oldSize = targetSize; targetSize = getPreferredSize(); targetSize.expand(new Dimension(getInsets().getWidth(), getInsets().getHeight()).negate()); setScales(targetSize.width / (float)sourceFigure.getSize().width, targetSize.height / (float)sourceFigure.getSize().height); if ((isDirty()) && !updater.isRunning()) updater.start(); else if (oldSize != null && !targetSize.equals(oldSize)) { revalidate(); updater.restart(); } return thumbnailImage; } /** * Returns true if the source figure has changed. * @return true if the source figure has changed */ protected boolean isDirty() { return isDirty; } /** * @see org.eclipse.draw2d.UpdateListener#notifyPainting(Rectangle, Map) */ public void notifyPainting(Rectangle damage, Map dirtyRegions) { Iterator dirtyFigures = dirtyRegions.keySet().iterator(); while (dirtyFigures.hasNext()) { IFigure current = (IFigure)dirtyFigures.next(); while (current != null) { if (current == getSource()) { setDirty(true); repaint(); return; } current = current.getParent(); } } } /** * @see org.eclipse.draw2d.UpdateListener#notifyValidating() */ public void notifyValidating() { // setDirty(true); // revalidate(); } /** * @see org.eclipse.draw2d.Figure#paintFigure(Graphics) */ protected void paintFigure(Graphics graphics) { Image thumbnail = getThumbnailImage(); if (thumbnail == null) return; graphics.drawImage(thumbnail, getClientArea().getLocation()); } /** * Sets the dirty flag. * @param value The dirty value */ public void setDirty(boolean value) { isDirty = value; } /** * Sets the X and Y scales for the Thumbnail. These scales represent the ratio * between the source figure and the Thumbnail. * @param x The X scale * @param y The Y scale */ protected void setScales(float x, float y) { scaleX = x; scaleY = y; } /** * Sets the source Figure. Also sets the scales and creates the necessary * update manager. * @param fig The source figure */ public void setSource(IFigure fig) { if (sourceFigure == fig) return; if (sourceFigure != null) sourceFigure.getUpdateManager().removeUpdateListener(this); sourceFigure = fig; if (sourceFigure != null) { setScales((float)getSize().width / (float)sourceFigure.getSize().width, (float)getSize().height / (float)sourceFigure.getSize().height); sourceFigure.getUpdateManager().addUpdateListener(this); repaint(); } } }