PR20641 - Default text file encoding may be detected incorrectly on Windows 2000/XP The value 'Text file encoding' displayed in the Preferences dialog under 'Editors' may be wrong on plaftorms running Windows 2000/XP when user locale and system locale differ. Example of the manifestation of the bug: A Japanese user using Japanese Windows 2000 works in New York, United States. The user has selected English (United States) as the user locale. The value 'Text file encoding' displayed by Eclipse is incorrect: 'Cp1252' (English). It should display the system locale 'MS932' (Japanese). Workaround The user can modify the user locale so that user locale and system locale are identical. In the example above, this means the user should set Japanese as the user locale. Then restart Eclipse. The value 'Text file encoding' will then be correct: 'MS932' (Japanese). How to check the system locale on Windows 2000 Open the Control Panel. Go to Regional Options. Look up the items in the tab 'General', inside the 'Language settings for the system' group. The system locale is the item marked as (Default). How to change the user locale on Windows 2000 Open the Control Panel. Go to Regional Options. The user locale can be modified by changing the location in 'Settings for the current user'. How to check the system locale on Windows XP Open the Control Panel. Go to Regional and Language Options. Switch to the tab 'Advanced'. The system locale is specified in 'Language for non-Unicode programs'. How to change the user locale on Windows XP Open the Control Panel. Go to Regional and Language Options. The user locale can be modified by changing the language in 'Standards and formats'.