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[m2e-users] why m2e profile selection dialog and help:active-profiles given me different items?


I'm using profiles as the ones below in my poms:

The profile "whenIsIntegrationTestsProjectInEclipse" was added only after maven 3.2.2 was released that included a fix that allows us to use a "AND" between activation items instead "OR". (I've installed m2e 1.6x for use it)

I'm getting a problem with dependencies that is not being computed in the maven java project at workspace (they should come from a profile activated using file condition).

I tried the Maven Profile selection feature from m2e 1.6 to check the active profiles for the project. But I'm getting different values then when using mvn help:active-profiles.

In my case, m2e's dialog shows me only the "in-eclipse-mbp" profile as auto activated (in italic) and some others from external sources, but not the "whenIsIntegrationTestsProject" that is using file activation that help:active-profiles shows me.

Below is the result of help:active-profiles in a project containing the file .lunifera.releng.itests:
The following profiles are active:
 - not-in-eclipse-mbp (source: org.lunifera.releng.maven:lunifera-releng-maven-parent-mbp:0.10.1-SNAPSHOT)
 - whenIsIntegrationTestsProject (source: org.lunifera.releng.maven:lunifera-releng-maven-parent-mbp:0.10.1-SNAPSHOT)
is this a bug in m2e or am I missing something?

thanks in advance,


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