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Re: [m2e-users] Dependency scope and Eclipse classpath resolution

Sun, 16 Oct 2011 17:41:42 -0400, /Igor Fedorenko/:

This is a limitation of JDT. Eclipse Java project will use single
classpath and single set of compiler preferences for all project
sources, which in m2e case means both main and test sources. Because of
this, m2e needs to use dependencies of all scopes (test scope includes
all other scopes) both for main and test sources and there is not way to
flag any classes as forbidden without triggering false-positive
in test sources.

There are two existing enhancement requests against JDT [1] and [2], but
I am not sure if they cover all aspects of main vs test dependencies in


I understand the JDT limitation regarding "test" scope dependencies, but I was explicitly targeting "runtime" scope and transitive "compile/provided" scope. If "runtime" dependencies are automatically restricted as "forbidden" and then (optionally) transitive "compile/provided" scope dependencies are restricted as "discouraged" then the Eclipse Java Compiler would do the rest.

For example, see how the "org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JRE_CONTAINER/org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.ui.launcher.StandardVMType/JavaSE-1.6" container restricts references to com.sun.* classes, while "org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JRE_CONTAINER", which could refer to a "raw" JDK, does not.

Access rules may be manually configured per library/container on the Libraries tab of the Java Build Path project properties, but it would be nice if the "Maven Dependencies" container does it automatically as the "JRE System Library" container does.

Has this explanation made it more clear?


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